Monday, April 25, 2011

The REAL Easter, Family Style

Happy Easter! Seriously, who could ask for cuter cousins? I absolutely adore Sophie and Willy. They can make me smile when I'm sad and forget all my problems. So of course it was the perfect Easter treat to go visit my family. I love getting away for the day and sleeping over at Jen's house in Cedar City.

I haven't got to color easter eggs since I was like 12! So after a ten year  break I got back in the game hahaha. As you can see from me and Sophie's creations, we are quite the talented family. We were laughing so hard when Willy dropped the egg he was eating into the dye. He was like a mad scientist, creating all these crazy color combonations for his eggs!  I wish I had thought to take pictures.

Me and Jen stayed up all night making their baskets, drinking Margaritas and watching Lady Gaga videos :) It was so much fun. Even though me and Jen are about 13 years apart, I have always felt really close to her. She has a lot of the same hobbies/interests as me, all the girly girl stuff like interior design, party planning etc. It's really fun to talk about that stuff. She is much more than just a cousin to me! I always say if I had a sister it would be Jen. Plus she gives really good advice and has a lot of life experience also, which is great when you need someone to talk to who won't ever judge you. That is what family is for :)

But the best part was definitely waking up Easter morning and watching the kids open their baskets. They loved their toys and ate way too much chocolate,  and I was dying when Willy grabbed his butt and was dancing around saying  "Booty booty boooooty"  He is only 4! How does he know what that is yet?! I told him he should name his stuffed lamb he got for easter that and he totally did hahaha. You gotta love little kids that brighten your day!
Happy easter, everyone! Hope you had a fun one. Love Always, Manda

Nope, not chicken pox....its easterinfluenza!