Saturday, November 12, 2011


After one late night at Jake and Nick's, me and Tyson were saying our goodbyes and walking out to the car. I saw a bright reflection, a flash of golden yellow, and Tyson quickened his pace. All of a sudden I heard a car screech to a stop in the middle of the road. A woman got out too in a panic and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Then I saw it: an injured owl.

I've never even seen an owl up close, so it was kind of interesting to finally see one right in front of me. Tyson was even brave enough to hold him, but for some reason I get nervous around animals (it might be because my cousin Sarah used to have weird assortments of animals as a child, like a boa constricter that scared the shit of me and evil hampsters that used to bite us all the time) but I tried to be brave, and walked closer to the owl. As I approached him, his supposedly broken wings started flapping like crazy and I screamed like a mad woman. So much for crossing holding a baby owl off my bucket list.

Owlie...I hope you are somewhere safe and sound. I'm sorry I wouldn't let you ride in my Vue and let Tyson keep you as a pet as per his request, but thats just too crazy for me to handle. Honestly, you were probably safer in the offense Tyson hahaha (just a side note: I heard the girl the stopped in the car say she was going to call Animal Control? I hope that's a real thing hahaha) I wish there was more of an ending to this story, but that's about all the closure you're going to get.
Love Always,