Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Comes this Time Each Year

One of my favorite holidays is Christmas. When I was younger, I thought it was because of the presents: in fact, that has always been something important to me for some reason. But as I grew older I found out that the gifts weren't the thing that should be most important on this holiday.
Something that was really nice about this year: Now that I don't work at the movie theater anymore, I got the chance to spend the whole day with my family. The theater was open 365 days a year, so while that meant that there were always lots of hours to be worked (job security, anyone?) It also meant missing on out things that were important to me sometimes. I loved my time at the movies, don't get me wrong. But I just found yesterday that much more special since I got the opportunity to have the whole day with my family.

One of the traditions my family does that makes me happy is my mom's famous Pina Coladas. She makes them for us all the time when we are relaxing, and it's fun being able to have a treat together.  She also has these "slushies" she freezes overnight that are really good too. She is a wizz with frozen treats!

 I didn't get to see my cousins Jennifer, Damon, Sophie and Willie until a few days after the holiday because they live in Cedar City, but I had a lot of fun traveling up to see them and having a day in the snow. Since Jen's birthday is December too, I took her out for sushi and it was fun to have time with just me and her. Ever since I was a little girl I have always looked up to Jen. I wanted her clothes, her style and I thought (and think!) she is so pretty. I love being able to have a cousin who is so wise. She gives me the best advice about stuff and I wanted to be able to treat her for a holiday surprise.

I always love seeing the kids too, including Damon. Damon is grown up now--almost 19 years old, but to me he will always be the kid who had a koolaid smile from ear to ear and laughed for hours when we prank called people or watched funny videos online. I made him throw on this Katy Perry wig and snapped a few pics i'm sure that will haunt him for awhile to come! hahaha.

Me and my friends have traditions too. Each year me and Chris watch our favorite Christmas movie, "A Mom for Christmas" with Olivia Newton-John. It's kind of a cheesy made-for-TV movie but we love it so much. We make lots of treats and exchange presents too. Chris gave me my very own Hello Kitty backpack and Smurfette perfume! I couldn't  think of a better present that fits me hahaha.

Tyson got me something I really needed too: an Ipod hookup for my car! He said it was because he was sick of listening to the same Lady Gaga CD for six months straight hahahaha I agree and couldn't be happier. And Jake and Nick invited us over for a Christmas party and they made each of us our own treat plate with different things on it--all homemade with love. We were in heaven!! Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year.
Love Always,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gimme a Head with HAIR

All of my friends are guys, and all of them are better at doing hair then I am.  Go figure.

This week Casey and Dillinger came for a surprise visit from SLC and they totally hooked me up with these sexy hair extensions. I haven't had long hair since my grade school is such a change, but to be honest I'm loving it!

We stayed up until nearly 4 AM and Casey's fingers were probably bleeding from sewing clips on to make them easier to put in (if you don't use clips you have to use glue, which itches REALLY bad...i know from experience) But  it made me realize I have best friends that are willing to do anything to make me happy.

I wish these guys still lived 10 minutes away, but sometimes when you are apart from people you realize how valuable they really are. I never laugh as hard or have as crazy of adventures as I do when I'm with these two. This time the night ended up with us sneaking onto a golf course into the middle of the night and sitting there, watching the stars, singing our favorite Nicki Minaj raps and laughing...yeah, we really are crazy.
Love Always,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Very Merry Registration Office Christmas

Today at work we decided to put up our Christmas tree...can I just say I love my job? Dixie State College is an amazing place to work. I have the opportunity to work with one of my friends from my childhood, Jerhett (far left) We grew up together and went to middle school in Cedar City. He has always been a very close friend of mine and actually helped get me the job! I'm always thankful to him. Erin is in the middle, and she helped me decorate, along with Candace (not pictured.)

 Erin and Candace always make me laugh a lot at work, even when we are stuck working on awful projects like looking up transcripts. Me and Candace even have this running gag of code names (she's Candy Sugar and I'm Tasty Honey) and we always joke that we are going to run away to Vegas and open our own, um, erotic dance establishment. Don't ask me how we came up with this! hahahaha.

My other favorite people, my supervisors, Julie, Jane and Mace aren't photographed either but they are a joy to work for and worth. But my best friend ( even though she is 50 years my senior) would have be JANET! We always get in trouble for talking...they even call us Janda because we are like twins. I love her so much. Christmas is coming you guys...time to be excited!
Love Always,