Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Very Merry Registration Office Christmas

Today at work we decided to put up our Christmas tree...can I just say I love my job? Dixie State College is an amazing place to work. I have the opportunity to work with one of my friends from my childhood, Jerhett (far left) We grew up together and went to middle school in Cedar City. He has always been a very close friend of mine and actually helped get me the job! I'm always thankful to him. Erin is in the middle, and she helped me decorate, along with Candace (not pictured.)

 Erin and Candace always make me laugh a lot at work, even when we are stuck working on awful projects like looking up transcripts. Me and Candace even have this running gag of code names (she's Candy Sugar and I'm Tasty Honey) and we always joke that we are going to run away to Vegas and open our own, um, erotic dance establishment. Don't ask me how we came up with this! hahahaha.

My other favorite people, my supervisors, Julie, Jane and Mace aren't photographed either but they are a joy to work for and worth. But my best friend ( even though she is 50 years my senior) would have be JANET! We always get in trouble for talking...they even call us Janda because we are like twins. I love her so much. Christmas is coming you guys...time to be excited!
Love Always,