Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Family is Forever.

Things have been crazy but fun as usual :) This week it was my baby cousin Willy's birthday. We wanted to treat him to a full day of fun. Most of my family lives in California, so the ones that do live in Utah I try to spend as much time as I can with. My cousin Jennifer and her kids Damon, Sophia (and Willy, of course) are a big part of my life and have been for as long as I can remember.

In my family, there is a "chain of command" for a sisterhood (thats what I call it!) It started with my Mom when Jennifer was born: they have a super close relationship, and Jen has always looked up to my Mom since she was little. And then when I was born, Jen was my role model (and still is!) But now it is my turn. I was 16 years old when Sophia was born, and ever since she was we have been close. It's my job to be there for her, no matter what she needs. Someone she can talk to when she is sad and have fun with the rest of the time. I love her like she is my own baby! Willy too. In fact sometimes when we are together people mistake me for their Mom because I have such a good relationship with them, which makes me very proud.

I was so happy that the kids were coming! Me and my mom spent the morning baking. I love making treats with my mom: it reminds me of when I was little. She has to work a lot more now than she used to and I miss spending time with her like we used to. We made the cutest thing for our little party, a whole little "Garden" of cupcakes: some had flowers on them, there were little spiders we made too, but the best part was our Caterpillar! Here he is:

Both Willy and Sophia were so excited over this cupcakes, especially the spiders! We also gave them birthday bags with fun things like bubbles, play-doh, coloring stuff, water guns shaped like animals etc. I love playing with them, it is so care-free and fun just laughing. They totally ganged up on me and we had a "Balloon War" I was laying on the ground crying because I was laughing so hard. I overheard my Mom talking to Jen saying i'm just as loud as crazy as the kids so I fit in perfectly.

We took the kids to a Wildlife Museum. It was a lot of fun! Our favorite part was the Butterfly room. I actually learned a lot when we went. The kids kept asking me if why the animals weren't moving...I was a pro at evading explaining death to a 4 and 5 year old! Plus Taxidermy isn't exactly something I want to talk about to children hahaha. The kids kept wanting to pet and touch the animals, so when Jen wasn't looking I would sneak and lift them up so they could pet them. I carried Willy when he got scared (they have lightning, thunder and other special effects) and the kids were so scared the animals would "wake up."

Sophia is only 5 but she is so hilarious: as we were leaving, she says "Well, I guess we could have seen real animals today, but we didn't." I nearly fainted in the parking lot from laughing so hard. 
We also took the kids to this bouncy playhouse place called Jumpin' Jacks. I even went in the bouncy houses with them and went down the slides, it was so much fun.

Afterwards we ate pizza and watched "The Simpsons" (a Jacobs family tradition. I have been watching that show since I was born and have seen every episode) and I haven't had so much fun in a long time.  Family is important, and I am truly blessed to have the people in my life that I do. My only regrets of the day? That my dad, brother and sister-in-law didn't have work so they could have joined us for the whole day! My brother Bubby is one of my favorite people: our sushi lunches and movie trips are some of my favorite memories. His wife Diana is new to the family, but they have almost been married for a year. She is really funny and sweet, I love her.  My Dad is so funny and smart, we are a lot like each other, very social and interested in comedy. And as for my Mom...she is my best friend. She is the one person I could tell anything to, and I have so much love and respect for her. She is so kind and giving, I want to be as selfless as she is.  

MY MOMMY! dork-a the explorer HAHAHA just kidding

Love Always,


Anonymous said...

Hi Manda, This is your cousin Jenn. I love the blog! Very heart felt and well written. Also, what darling kids. They deserve to be spoiled with love and fun.

Love you fav cousin Jenn