Wednesday, March 9, 2011


First of all, confusion is the theme lately. Recently things have happened to me and I don't understand why they do. I often hope that the outcomes and the direction that my life are taking are for the best though, because I do have to admit I am learning a lot. I think I have grown more in this last year than I ever have.

One of the qualities people seem to enjoy about me (and one that I admire in myself) is the fact that I make friends easily and throw myself into those relationships.  I love people, and I find unique and quirky things in common with each friend I make. Each friendship I have with someone is different and special in its own way, and I treasure every single one of them.

It was very hard for me to learn that you can't necessarily trust everyone. Not everyone will like you: not everyone will want to be your friend. And, as I found out, a lot of times has more to do with them then it does with you. There are a lot of reasons that people might not like you, and I think there are three core reasons that it boils down to.
-One of them is misunderstanding. You might not agree or understand why that person does or chooses the decesions they make in life. You might not understand their background, circumstances or issues.
-Another is hurt. Someone hurt your own feelings, the feelings of someone you care about, and that in turn caused you to dislike them.
-But the strongest (and most common) form of hatred has to be jealousy. I'm not saying this because I think I'm better than anyone, or I think there is a reason that this is true about me personally. But almost everytime I have been in a situation where I found out someone didn't like me I feel like it is either misunderstanding (they don't really know the real me, so how could they hate me?) or jealousy.

I love my life: I am blessed with so many extremely wonderful opportunities. I take every chance I can to reflect on that and be proud as well. I also try not to just sit around and wait for things to happen. I have to make my own fortune: the worst that you can hear in life is the word "No." and if you do hear it when you take that chance of something you want, then at least you know that you did everything you could have done.

 It's important to me to be able to live without regrets, so I take this concept personally. It makes me sad when I see people who don't take all the chances they get, or  get jealous of opportunties others have. These people are so bitter and unhappy. They can't see what they have going for themselves, and never try to make things better. Accepting that things are going to be bad and finding things to be unhappy or complain about. I think others should use their energy to create positive experiences for themselves.

Thats why I made up something called Phriendship...(No, i'm not a horrible speller! hahaha its my philosophy of friendship. Feel free to use the term I coined now that you see how creative it is hahaha)

And thats what this blog entry is all about. Honestly, the most important thing I can say is to give what you want more of, but also don't expect to necessarily get back what you are giving. Over time, you have to match what you give people to what they are giving to you.  Examine the relationship, and remove the ones that don't treat you how you deserve.

You might walk away not being friends with a couple of people that you used be (like I did.) But the quality of this life I live has improved so much. I have learned that it truly is quality above quantity when it comes to phriendships. 

People waste a lot of time wanting things they can't have or wishing they can change things. If someone doesn't like you or doesn't want to be your have to forget them. Its THEIR loss in the end. They are the ones who are missing out on having someone extraordinary in their life.

 After everything I have been through, I realized that I learned a lesson from each situation. So i'm happy to say, that things have gotten much better lately and that I am starting to see that things happen for a reason. It might be hard to see at times, but when you do finally get all of the pieces of your puzzle together, it is one of the most rewarding feelings you can experience.

Since this blog is more on the serious side, I decided to put some of my favorite hilarious pictures from a lot of those rare people you find in life (true friends, who make me laugh and really care about me.) These are classics from my private collection to lighten our moods :) So enjoy everyone! hahaha
Is that Nicki Minaj?! Sorry to disappoint everyone...just Nicki FAKE-aj aka Christopher Mendez hahaha!

I always say this, so if you are reading this and you haven't heard it be warned: I plan to someday become a Lady Gaga impersonator and my stage name will be Mademoiselle Ooh-La-La.
I couldn't resist this one, especially since Casey never looks bad in pictures lol I have to admit I am quite photogenic sorry everyone ;) hahaha!                                       

 Me & Jeff LOVE the faces pictures say a thousand words. and Morgan :) I stole her statue boyfriend!
I get a lot of tongue action and Kyle on New Years 2011 (top) and me and Justin, my old roomie, we are probably drunk and therefore hysterically funny as usual,

Me, Kohlby and Tyler :) hahahahaha their facial expressions are unusually hilarious in this one. I love it!

I love this picture of makes me laugh so hard I pee everytime. He is so funny and sweet, and doesn't always look like this hahahaha!

Thats all for today :) I'm signing off. Love you all!
<3 Manda


Corey Wilkey said...

aw Hun i loved this! such a great philosophy! and how could you put that picture of me up!? omg i am so embarrassed! haha jk i dont get embarrassed. but that is just funny! love you!

Unknown said...

:) Hugs.