Friday, May 20, 2011

New Friends, New Hair...Changes, Changes

I am so excited about the way everything has been going lately :) While I am sad that two of my besties moved away, I did meet some fun new friends that I really clicked with. I've been having a lot of fun playing with Cole and Jake lately :) They are really easy to talk to and total sweethearts, and I love the random adventures we have and how much we laugh when we play together!

You gotta love summertime...this is the only time of year where I can be "wild and crazy" (but not too much!) and stay out waayyy late since I don't have to get up early early for school. I love having that freedom...even though I get pretty freakin tired when I finally do have to wake up. Last week I was running on 10 hours of sleep stretched out over 3 really sucked. It was worth all the memories we made tho...and like I said in my last post, it was a good send off for Casey and Dillinger (who I miss like crazy, even though they have been gone only 4 days :( )

Me and Cole

Me and Jake

In other recent news, my undercover lover (and the best damn student that has only been in hair school for one month I know) blessed my life today by cutting my hair for free.

Honestly, I hadn't been able to afford a haircut since January! Money has been so tight lately. No fashionista likes admitting that, but its the truth here...I was one broke girl. Still kind of am :)

But Kohlby kick ass. Enough said! I can't believe my hair looks as amazing as it does and you have been in school since April like defies the laws of physics...I don't understand. He seriously is a genius! (See above pics for photos of the new 'do!)

I'm trying a sassy new asymmetrical cut for fun, and he added blonde in it so that it would be a fun fresh start for Summer :) I was nervous about how short it was at first, but I am getting used to it and am getting a lot of compliments.

Love you Kohlbs! We had a fun night out of it too...dying hair, eating pizza and watching "Funny Girl" with Tyler too :) I love laughing with my friends...we have too much fun!
Love Always,