Monday, August 22, 2011

Firsts Day (New Job AND School)

I absolutely love my new job!

I am the newest registration clerk at Dixie State College. My bosses Mace, Julie and Jane are so sweet and funny. You might remember my friend Matty from earlier posts...Mace is his mom, and she helped me get the job there! My history as an Ambassador didn't hurt either since I had some practice in the school computer system called Banner.

All the ladies at my work are so kind. It is one of the best atmospheres to be in, a place where everyone genuinely cares about each other and goes out of their way to do nice things for each other. Every day this week they bought us lunch...including CATERED HONOLULU GRILL!! If I haven't told you before...thats my very favorite thing in the whole world :)

There are so many sweet people, like Kelsey, Erin, and Candace, the other work study girls that are my age. Then there is Laralee, Shannon, and Janet, who I adore. Janet is the cutest thing! Every day since I have worked with her she tells me how much I brighten up the office and that she loves my laugh and my stories. She makes me so happy when she tells me what a pleasure it is to work with me. I work with Candace alot too, and we have so much fun laughing our heads off while we file. We even found a student with a hilarious name the other's how our conversation went:
Candace: How would you like it if your last name was Treat?

Me: Only if my first name was Tasty!

Now she calls me Tasty and I call her Candy. We joke that we are going to run away to Vegas and become strippers together.

One of the best things about my job is that I get to work with JERHETT, one of my best friends from way back in 7th grade. We were inseperable! We had a group of friends that was amazing, I miss our fab five days back at Cedar Middle School. It is so fun to reminisce about our stories and jokes from back then.

I love it there :) I'm a very happy girl!
As for my semester, my classes went really well. I only am in two physical "classes" since I don't count Newspaper and one is online. And I have had Dr. Comeford before, so this semester wasn't too scary. Dr. Barry seems nice but strict! I love to write so "Advanced College Writing" won't be too bad. :)

Love Always,