Thursday, May 12, 2011

Being Your Best You

Weirdly enough, sometimes my own life seems to revolve around other people.

Not that there is anything wrong with being a caring, loving person: sometimes I just take it too far. I worry about my friends and family all the time, and actually put their needs before my own sometimes. But I am starting to learn a lot of important lessons about how to live a happy, healthy existence.

I think that balance and boundaries are important for everything. If you don't do enough of something, you will likely miss out and regret it. Yet if you do too much of something, you will overdo it and take away the special importance of it.

I also think that in order to be truly happy, you have to put yourself and what you want above other people. Being who you really are, no holds barred is an amazing and freeing experience. It wasn't until I let go of what other people thought of me, and quit caring about what other people think until I truly became comfortable in my own skin.

I used to worry SO much in high school about what other people thought about me, but now I know that I am who I am and that is never going to change. People can either accept it or walk away. I'm the best version of myself I can be, and thats all anyone can ask. I have so many goals and dreams I want to make happen, and I really want to make a difference in the world. I want to have many friends and a large family, and surroud myself with people who love me no matter what. I can't wait for whatever the future is going to bring me, I really think it is going to be amazing. As long as you work hard and have fun (good attitudes are key) you can make anything you want to happen.

I challenge all of you to do something you never thought you could. And times will be tough along the way, but never listen to the negativity: I think half the time it stems from jealousy. I can't control others, so why would I let them stop me from gaining what I want?

I know I kinda jumped on the bandwagon late (since her show is ending in like 2 weeks!) But I just started watching Oprah and her behind the scenes show, and I admire her so much. Even though people think she can be mean at times (her supposed feud with Whoopi Goldberg, or Iyala Vansandt...or even when she called out James Frey for fictionalizing parts of his memoir!) she always stands up for herself yet truly wants to help people. And she is really, truly FUNNY. (see photo on But seriously, she owns who she is! She is AMAZING.

I'm imperfect, but splendidly so...and I really love all of you out there!
Love Always,